MFG Codename Lapis REDUX (surielist) : Since some of you folks feel that the Victory Screen seems bad Ive decided to took the time to change it. MUGEN Fighters Infinite 150 (Alan Garcia) : IAg MUGEN Fighters Infinite 5940 (Alan Garcia) : IAg This is basically the same as the first screenpack with the only difference is the Victory. Mugen Fighting Grid Codename Lapis (surielist) : A Capcom vs SNK inspired Screenpack. It has Zoom and has 3 type of character slots. M.U.G.E.N 214slots (Elecbyte) : hi my name is johnny and i'm from brazil, this is my first post here XD watch?v=1qMD1Izr QTs&feature=emb_title &ab_channel=willordor dona Mugen de 312 slots 1.0 (mi edit) : :drinks::drinks::drinks:: unsure::unsure: Keep a mugen of 214 slots for you, all rights reserved to elecbyeĮsqueci de falar que eu peguei esse mugen de um Youtuber. . MIRACLE COMBAT Korean Version (Karl Otaku Alea) : This is korean version KOA STFB (update version) (Karl Otaku Alea) : Update: Soundtracks/Game Over Screen/Lifebar PowerPuffTubez Arena (Karl Otaku Alea) : PowerPufftubeZ Arena is a MUGEN Full Game created by Karl Otaku Alea Ocho no Yaban Hito (Karl Otaku Alea) : Ocho no Yaban Hito is a Fan Made Fighting Game in Japan. MIRACLE COMBAT (Karl Otaku Alea) : Update Version of miracle combat select screen MIRACLE COMBAT (Final update) (Karl Otaku Alea) : My Update 1.2 is music soundtrack com/channel/UCJzp7rwbMdVy SLA695v-w1Q?view_as=subsc riber KOA STFB (Karl Otaku Alea) : KOASTFB is a MUGEN Full Game created by Karl Otaku Alea. Top Fighter 2000 MK VIII screenpack (petkov20) : Hello fellas, nice to see you again :D Today I present you the MUGEN screenpack of the Sega Genesis video game "Top Fighter 2000 MK VIII". It is not a 100% "import" but is playable, without. . SkyMUGEN (Toonar12x) : A calming 1280x960 res screenpack based on the blue expanse above us all. Comes with two bouncy and upbeat techno tracks for the character select and menu, and does not come with lifebars included.ģ6864 Slots Screenpack (Night_Stalker) : This is probably the highest slot number screenpack avaliable here, with MORE THAN 30000 SLOTS (It's over 9000!!!). Marvel vs Kapkom (petkov20) : MUGEN Archive: ĮVE Battle HD (DJ-Van) : Already installed This is just the default mugen1 screenpack but with the entire select character. .